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My Education

The photos above and video below are examples of spring/mass lattices found during using an evolutionary algorithm. To simulate these structures, I first found 5 XYZ points in space. I then found the distance from each mass and spring center to these points. If any mass was closer to the 5th point than any others, it would be deleted from the lattice. Every spring would have a certain K value and an actuation value associated with it depending on what point from the first 4 it was closest to. 100 lattices were constructed, I used the Titan cuda library to simulate their physics and thereby find the distance they moved. This was their fitness, and was used to decide if the individuals would be killed and replaced with an evolution of two of the high preforming individuals, or simply mutated by adjusting each of the XYZ points by +/- 5%.

This was a project for Columbia University's MECS 4510 class, Evolutionary Computation and Design Automation, taught by Doctor Hod Lipson.

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Current Status:

I am a Mechanical Engineer in Southern California working in the aerospace industry. I graduated in June of 2018 with a GPA of 3.55 with a bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in Mathematics, and am pursuing a masters degree at Columbia University beginning Fall of 2022. My current projects are a CNC router with a partially 3D printed frame as well as a miniature lathe made mainly from 3D printed parts. I am a published author, having presented a paper on my laser cutter design at the 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition.


For more information on anything you see, feel free to contact me using the form on the left.

Updated: Aug 2022

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